The Village of Gurnee Chamber of Commerce (VGCC) was formed to be the unifying voice for businesses in Gurnee. Through the commitment and engagement of our members, the VGCC provides leadership for the benefit of the diverse business community by promoting economic growth, advocating the interests of business, providing service and education to members and community and meeting members needs. With the enhanced website, our strong community focus and close involvement with the Village of Gurnee, we will work on initiatives that will help members our Chamber prosper.
Benefits of Membership
Legislative Advocacy
Chamber of Advocacy the “voice of business” ensuring that the needs of members and their views on important issues are communicated to local, state, and national legislators.
Advertising and Marketing Opportunities
One of the many ways the Village of Gurnee Chamber of Commerce helps business succeed is by providing numerous opportunities to our members to market to business and consumers alike.
The opportunity to make acquaintances that can turn into business relationships is always a vital component of Chamber Membership
How can my business play a leadership role in the Gurnee area’s economic, civic and social life?
Join the Village of Gurnee Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is the best way to continue building a strong business community that works together to achieve results.
Support Village of Gurnee Chamber of Commerce members. Do business with them when you need their products and services. “Think Gurnee Chamber First”.
Participate in Chamber sponsored events. These events build a sense of community among businesses, residents and visitors.
Participate by:
Attending events
Giving financial support to Chamber programs
Donating goods or services
Volunteering your time
A recent Small Business Network, Inc. study showed:
- 59% of consumers believe that being involved in a local chamber is an effective business strategy.
- 29% believe chamber membership communicates that a company uses good business practices.
- 26% believe chamber membership shows that business is reputable.
Involved Chamber members vs competition
Consumers are 12% more likely to believe that if a chamber member is highly involved (on the board of its local chamber) their products stack up better than the competition.
Being highly involved in the chamber also portrays that the company is:
- Trustworthy
- Involved in the community
- An industry leader
When restaurants are chamber members:
Consumers are 40% more likely to eat at the franchise in the next few months.
When insurance companies are chamber members:
Consumers are 43% more likely to consider buying insurance from them.
When a small business is a chamber member:
Consumers are 44% more likely to think favorably of it
Consumers are 63% more likely to purchase goods and services from the company in the future.
For additional information about the benefits of the Village of Gurnee Chamber of Commerce visit
847 871-0747
More reasons to join:
- Networking opportunities
- Special Events
- Ribbon Cuttings
- Community Guide

For more information: | 847-871-0747